You will be asked to complete a comprehensive health history, including past health problems, diet, exercise, occupation, and other information of importance. You can download these forms from our web site under New Patient Center and fill them out before your appointment.
The examination will include palpation, orthopedic and neurological testing, range of motion, and strength evaluation. Additional procedures such as x-rays, blood work and/or urine tests may be performed if determined necessary.
In addition to the chiropractic manipulation, we will utilize various physiotherapies such as electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, mechanical traction, moist heat, ice, and massage techniques to treat your condition. The choice of therapy is based upon your specific condition and the phase of your treatment.

There will be some counseling of lifestyle modifications, work modifications and possible dietary and exercise modifications to aid in your recovery and prevention of future problems.
You may not receive an adjustment every appointment. The treatment you will receive will be designed specifically for you based on your symptoms and examination findings.
The duration and frequency of treatment depends on your age, weight, lifestyle, nutrition, mechanism of injury, and how long you have had your condition.